
Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Twilight: 2000 v2.2 PreGen "The Scout"

Bobbi Lee joined up with us back around Frankfurt-on-the-Oder and she’s walked point ever since. The Major says he’s never seen anyone with an eye for an ambush like she has. Well, he’s seen more than I have. All I know is that we’ve never gotten cracked with Bobbi Lee on point. She says it’s because her brothers used to take her coon hunting. Maybe. But I’ve got a feeling that Ranger scroll on her shoulder has something to do with it.

31 year old Female American ranger / scout


Age: 31; Weight: 73 kg Load: 33 kg Rads: 24


Init: 4 Melee: 3 Throw: 32 m
Head: 10 Chest: 39 Abdo: 26
R Arm: 26 L Arm: 26 R Leg: 26 L Leg: 26


STR Armed Martial Arts 0 / 8
STR Autogun 0 / 8
STR Grenade Launcher 0 / 8
STR Small Arms: Rifle 6 / 14 (Veteran)
STR Thrown Weapon 3 / 11 (Experienced)
STR Unarmed Martial Arts 4 / 12 (Experienced)

CON Parachute 2 / 7
CON Swimming 1 / 6

AGL Ground Vehicle: Wheeled 1 / 7
AGL Stealth 8 / 14
AGL Tac Missile 0 / 6

CHA English 10 / 14 (Veteran)

INT Observation 8 / 15 (Elite)
INT Navigation 1 / 8
INT Survival 3 / 10
INT Tracking 2 / 9


Allowance: $8250 unspent
Gold Pieces: $1500 max

Basic Load (US): US army fatigues, pack, shelter half, gas mask, combat webbing (ALICE); sleeping bag, flashlight, personal medical kit, thermal US army fatigues.

Armor: Kevlar Helmet & Kevlar Vest

Weapon: M16A2 assault rifle

  • 6 x 5.56N 30-round magazines, 180 loose 5.56N rounds


6 frag grenades
2 smoke grenades


Any items that cannot be reasonably carried or stowed in vehicles.

Design Notes

Concept: a good ol' southern girl that can spot a coin at 1000 yards.

Role: primary wilderness scout and “point” due to high Observation / INT and Stealth / AGL, she guarantees automatic success for all but the hardest ambush or encounter rolls. However, rather than just be a “hand wave” of the mechanic, is valid in a secondary role being as a sniper and support combatant.


  • “B-Troop” Variant: minimal changes required other than cosmetic or flavour, this build can be shifted to another nationality with minimal change except for the loss of the extra base US skills (Armed Martial Arts 0 and Tac Missile 0) and starting weapon loadout.
  • Marine Sniper: increase to Small Arms: Rifle 9, drop to Unarmed Martial Arts 2 and lose Tac Missile 0. Change basic training to Marine and her last (War) Term to Sniper. Her personal weapon becomes M21 sniper rifle and she carries an M231 submachinegun for closer quarters. See also the "Battlesight" article on zeroing rifles (Challenge #63, page 12).
  • Knife Thrower: this close combat variant sacrifices Observation for proficiency with Armed Martial Arts and Thrown Weapon. Drop to Observation 4 and Unarmed Martial Arts 2, increase to Armed Martial Arts 4 and Thrown Weapon 5. Add a half-dozen knives, invert the frag grenade to smoke grenade ratio and change the M16A2 to a M177 carbine.
  • Forward Observer: swap one (or more) of the later Ranger terms for Airborne Infantry, dropping to Observation 6, Stealth 6 and adding Forward Observer 4, keeping the other skills the same. This variant partners well with a "Heavy" character with a focus on Heavy Artillery or a Combat Engineer with a mortar.

“B-Troop” Variant basically the same character mechanically as one of the options above but switching her background to West German or Austrian. This necessitates only flipping her main language and dropping the US default skills of Armed Martial Arts 0 and Tac Missile 0, and I'd suggest dropping to Thrown Weapon 1 to allow for English 2. Her weapon loadout shifts to a PSG1 sniper rifle and backup G11 submachinegun.

Design Calculations

Method: 32 point allocation method; Init roll 4

Background: Observation, Survival, Tracking, Unarmed Martial Arts
3 Term(s): Ranger x3
Secondary Activities: Observation x3
War Term: Ranger (regular x2 skills)
Promotions: nil

Contacts: 3 military (no foreign)

Equipment: consider a FAV-Warrior UAV (see Paul Mulcahy's pages, est $3,500 or optionally est $4,000 if a Wear value of 5 based on Challenge magazine stats) with a full tank of 60L of gasoline.

Background: Bobbi Lee is one of the original Play Manual example characters and used to illustrate similar examples in T2k v2.2. She’s noted as being a ranger, excellent at detecting ambushes, and uses a M16A2. She technically meets the criteria for Marine Corps entry but this basic build is regular US Army as though the fiction calls her a ranger, it's never mentioned she's a marine.

Her expertise in Unarmed Martial Arts is clearly demonstrated:

"One day everyone was out foraging, except for me. I was working on the LAV-25’s transmission. The story of my life. First thing I know there’s this Hungarian sergeant leaning under the LAV-25 and sticking a Makarov in my face. Beats me what he was doing this far north, but he was pretty skinny and raggedy looking, so I figure he was probably a deserter. Well, I was tired of working on the LAV-25 anyway. so I crawled out and stood up. 
About then Bobbi Lee got back to camp, and I guess she wasn’t expecting trouble, because it’s the only time I’ve ever seen her surprised. She dropped her M16, but then the Hungarian looked back at me. Wrong move. BobbiLee kicked him. She kicked him in the HEAD. She kicked him so hard she broke his neck. This I do not believe she learned coon hunting with her brothers."

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