
Saturday, March 2, 2019

Tanker TOTs (Summary Vehicle Card for Twilight: 2000 Tank Turret Emplacement)

This is likely to be part of a longer post about tank turret emplacements (German: "Panzerstellung", Russian: "Tankovaya Ognievaya Totschka" or TOT), but as I haven't posted anything significant for a while, I'm adding this here for the time being...

This is the first turret emplacement I've built stats for, using the mostly retired T-34 turret (likely available in old storage facilities and military warehouses) repurposed for static defence. The first image of the wooden log and soil bunker is from Neil Short's excellent "Tank Turret Fortifications" book but isn't actually a T-34 turret, it's an old Panzer turret, unfortunately. 

The second image is an actual T-34 turret mounted on a concrete emplacement from this page, which details the concept a bit further. Wood and earthen emplacements would be quicker and easier to construct, the main limiting step being transporting via truck and then positioning the turret in place:

T-34 Turret on a truck being positioned for use as a TOT emplacement

Addit (16th March 2019): since posting this about 6 weeks ago I've had a lot of feedback and have therefore updated the "Vehicle Card" with a less powerful auxiliary generator as suggested by in particular "Gelrir" / Michael B.'s comments in this forum thread. There's also a couple of relevant articles for this topic:
And also this detail of the actual turret from the first link above:

1 comment:

  1. Oh this thread from the "World of Tanks" forum has some good images also:
